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getting blessed by the god will be good too but...
작성자 simsim     게시물번호 -978 작성일 2005-01-03 01:05 조회수 1726

How about we Korean commuinty to come up with fund raise

and contribute the money. local east Indian collected

$1million already.


Red Cross for donation (tsunami relief effort) 541-6100


Any idea! Any one!

How about Calgary Korean Association to start with 


☞ Harry Y 님께서 남기신 글

Certainly our attention has been rivetted on the events surrounding the tsunami in Aisa this week. The loss of life is horrific and the devastation immense. This is not to downplay the great tragedy and suffering but it has happened before and will happen again. Again it is a reminder to ourselves about how precarious life really is. In the face of mother nature we are very vulnerable and weak. How correctly Jesus warned us in the Gospels about the need to be prepared to meet our Creator at any time. Life can be taken away from us in the blink of an eye or a wall of water rushing inland. The great question that we have to continually ask ourselves is: "How do I reach out to my brother and sister who is suffering?" Whether it is in Aisa or closer to here at home. It is at times like this that we are challenged to look deep within ourselves and examine our response. If we haven't been involved before NOW is the time to get involved. Even if we have been involved before we need to continue to be involved. May God bless you in your generosity.... It is the time to help our brothers and sisters both and in distant countries.
God bless you in this new year 2005. 

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다음글 God bless you in this new year 2005.
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