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생활 상식) 영어로 이메일 쓸때 알아두면 좋은 몇가지 팁
작성자 운영팀     게시물번호 10472 작성일 2017-11-03 08:02 조회수 2219

1. Salutation


Hello, / Hi,

Good morning, / Good afternoon, / Good evening,


Dear Dr. Wilson,

Hi Pauline,

* 받는 사람이 정확하지 않거나 누구인지 모르는 경우에는?

To whom it may concern,

Hi there,

* Salutation에서 :(colon)과 ;(semi-colon)의 차이점은?

2. Sign-off


Best, All best, All the best, Best wishes,

Regards, Warm regards, Warmest regards,


Thanks, Thank you, Thank you so much, Thanks!

Looking forward,

Talk to you soon,

Take care,



God bless,


예문 보기

Dear Mrs. Green,

My name is Jane Han, Paul Han’s mom. I am a little concerned about my son. He seems to be having trouble with some of the other boys in class. They are very mean to him and they pick on him. Is there anything that can be done about this? I would very much appreciate it if we could meet after school some time and talk about it.

Thank you for your help.


Jane Han

Dear Mr. Schwarz,

I heard from my daughter that principal auditions are coming up in two weeks. I would very much like my daughter to be successful in the audition. Could you recommend what my daughter should be doing in her practice so that she can prepare better for the audition?

Thank you so much for your attention to this.

Warmest regards,

Jennifer Kim

Hi Agnes,

Did you hear from your son that they are having a pizza party in class tomorrow? My son just told me tonight. Somehow I have to pick up my husband’s dry cleaning, walk the dog, prepare for the church potluck this weekend, take my little one to the doctor, and order and pick up a pizza and drop it off at school by noon. Is there anyway you could pick up some cookies? I have no time.

Thank you so much!


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