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작성자 Mon     게시물번호 13313 작성일 2020-05-14 14:08 조회수 3193

Important School Reminders

 Fee payment / Waiver

Check your school board website for important updates. All school fees are to be paid before the end of June 2020.

  1. Calgary Board of Education (CBE): Pay online through your MyCBE/ Power School  https://sis.cbe.ab.ca/public/home.html

  2. Calgary Catholic School District (CCSD): Pay online through this link https://www.cssd.ab.ca/Parents/Fees/Online-Fee-Payment/Pages/default.aspx

  3. If you are low income and eligible for fee waiver, you can apply through your power school account or by emailing this Fee waiver application : https://www.cbe.ab.ca/FormsManuals/Fee-Waiver-Application.pdf#search=fees%20waiver  with proof of low income (Fair Entry Approval letter or the Alberta Child Health Benefit approval letter).

  4. For students in the CCSD, contact your school directly to request fee waiver. 

Summer High School Registration

 1. CCSD: High school students interested in taking summer school, can register online here https://www.cssd.ab.ca/Students/academic-services/summer-school/Pages/default.aspx

2. CBE: High school students interested in taking summer school, can access options here,  https://cbe.ab.ca/programs/high-school/Pages/summer-school.aspx

3. For all high school upgrades, check the Chinook Learning Services website, https://www.chinooklearningservices.com/High-School-Upgrading.html


School Registration

  1. CBE : All new students including newcomer immigrants and refugees registering to a CBE school should review this page to make a selection,  https://www.cbe.ab.ca/registration/registration/Pages/Kindergarten-to-Grade-9.aspx

  2. CCSD:  All new students including newcomer immigrants and refugees registering to a CCSD school should review this page to make a selection,  https://www.cssd.ab.ca/Parents/Registration/Pages/default.aspx

COVID-19 School Updates

 1. For students attending CCSD schools, regularly check this page for updates on school closures, return to classes, support for students and other important updates,  https://www.cssd.ab.ca/News/COVID-19/Pages/default.aspx

2. For students attending CBE schools, regularly check this page for updates on school closures, return to classes, support for students and other important updates,  https://www.cbe.ab.ca/about-us/school-culture-and-environment/health-and-wellness-in-school/Pages/coronavirus.aspx

3. For more information on the K-12 Alberta curriculum and updates, check this website https://www.alberta.ca/k-12-education.aspx


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운영팀  |  2020-05-14 14:11         
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