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캘거리 비영리단체인 CIWA에서 통역및 번역 서비스를 시작했네요. (유료이며 한국어도 포함)
작성자 운영팀     게시물번호 14062 작성일 2020-11-06 10:49 조회수 2525

상세 내용은 여기를 참조하시구요



CIWA의 보도자료는 아래와 같습니다

Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA) is grateful for your support of our clients, immigrant women. Your trust and relationship contributes to Calgary as a place of harmony and prosperity. We are reaching out to seek your potential collaboration with CIWA’s translation and interpretation social enterprise: Language Venture. As you likely know CIWA specializes in training and supporting immigrant women through employment bridging programs. One of our programs trains immigrant women as qualified, professional interpreters and translators.  Our graduates work in the field throughout Calgary and through Language Venture.


Language Venture: Interpretation and Translation Services is comprised of more than 200 CILISAT certified immigrant women offering services in 62 languages, including rare languages such as Kurdish and Lao. This October, Language Venture completed its first year of providing interpretation and translation services for diverse industries such as legal services, education, law enforcement, health, immigration, social services and marketing. Language Venture has established its niche by providing affordable and highly professional services with strong market linkages.


CIWA offers seamless and professional services through automated platforms for in-person and virtual translation sessions at highly competitive rates. We offer translation services for a broad range of businesses and agencies.


Please consider CIWA as your partner of choice for your interpretation and translation needs. Revenue generated through services provided is the primary source of income for our immigrant interpreters and translators.  Consider whether translation and interpretation of your products and services might strengthen your business. Will the addition of languages help you reach new customers? We can help.


For professional interpretation and translation services and long-term vendor services please reach out to:


Language Venture

403 828 7841



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