은행에서 mortgage나 line of credit 을 신청할 때 insurance도 같이 신청해야 가능하다는 말을 듣고 원치 않게 보험을 드신 분들이 많이 있을 겁니다.
그와 같은 식으로 끼워파는 행위를 "Tied-selling" 이라고 하는데, Bank Act, The Competition Act, 그리고 The Trust and Loan Companies Act 등의 법에 의해 illegal practice로 규정돼 있습니다.
설문 조사에 따르면 Canadian의 70%가 은행의 보험 끼워팔기가 불법인 지 모르고 있다고 하더군요.
자세한 정보는 아래 링크를 참고하시거나, Google에서
"tied selling" insurance products banks
와 같은 키워드로 검색하면 더 많은 관련 정보를 찾아보실 수 있습니다.
전 전화해서 부모님 line of credit에 붙어있던 disability insurance 다 취소해서 매달 20불 가까이 나가던 돈 세이브하게 됐습니다.
What's the difference between coercive tied selling and beneficial tied selling?
Coercive tied selling is against the law. Banks are not allowed to impose undue pressure on consumers, or to "coerce" an individual to buy a product or service as a condition for obtaining another product or service from them. However, sales practices such as preferential pricing and/or the bundling of products or services, which is called "beneficial tied selling" — where customers are offered better prices or more favourable terms and conditions — are acceptable, as long as the products or services can also be purchased separately if the consumer wishes. However, in this case the pricing may change. Bundling products often benefits consumers. Combining products or services can offer consumers more choice, more convenience and more savings.
Banks are required to display, and to make available in their branches, a statement (in plain language) that advises customers about the prohibition on coercive tied selling. If you think that you have been subjected to coercive tied selling, you can have the matter investigated through your bank's complaint-handling process. You can also contact FCAC. We can investigate to determine whether your financial institution has complied with its legal obligations.
Federal financial consumer protection legislation requires all federally regulated financial institutions to have a complaint-handling process in place to help resolve disputes between consumers and their financial institutions. This process includes a third-party dispute-resolution body.
FCAC publishes the complaint-handling process for all federally regulated financial institutions on its Web site. To find the complaint-handling process for your financial institution, click here . If you are having difficulty finding this information, call our Consumer Contact Centre at 1-866-461-3222 (toll-free).