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도로변 작업자를 위한 안전수칙이 시행되었습니다 - 2023년 9월 1일부터 시행됨.
작성자 lemontree5     게시물번호 17506 작성일 2023-11-14 17:56 조회수 1891

도로변 작업자를 위한 안전수칙이 시행되었습니다. (2023년  9월 1일부터 시행)

운전하실때 주의하세요. 경찰차, 앰뷸런스, 소방차, 견인차량, 도로유지보수 차량(제설차량 포함)등이 경광등을 켜고 있을때 바로 옆차선을 지날때는 60km 이하로 서행하셔야 합니다.

위반하면 벌금티켓과 벌점을 받을 있습니다.


Roadside worker safety rules

  • Follow the posted speed in construction zones.
  • When you drive in the closest lane to any stopped roadside vehicle with flashing lights activated (police, ambulances, fire trucks, tow trucks, maintenance trucks, etc.):
    • you must move over to the far lane to give workers extra space
    • if you can’t safely move over, you must slow to at least 60 km/h, or the posted speed limit (whichever is lower)
Picture example of rule for passing roadside workers on a single lane road.
Actions to take on a single-lane highway.
Picture example of rule for passing roadside workers on a double lane road.
Actions to take on a multi-lane highway.
Passing fines

Roadside vehicles with flashing lights activated

Drivers who fail to comply with the roadside worker safety rules could receive a $243 fine and 3 demerits, plus a speed fine.


Drivers must not pass a snowplow when:

  • the view along the side of the snowplow is obstructed
  • passing would impede the operation of the snowplow
  • the act of passing cannot be done safely

Drivers who fail to comply with any of these actions could receive a $324 fine and 3 demerits.


Speed fines

Speed fines are doubled when construction workers or any stopped roadside vehicle with flashing lights activated are present.

Speed Demerit points Regular fine Doubled fine
1 to 15 km over 2 $81 to $126 $163 to $252
16 to 30 km over 3 $146 to $249 $292 to $499
31 to 50 km over 4 $264 to $495 $528 to $991
Over 51 km over 6 Mandatory Court appearance.
Fines are at the discretion of the Court.

Driving reminders

  • Construction or maintenance zones will have roadway signs in advance to warn motorists that road work is being done. Even if there are no signs reminding motorists that fines will be doubled, your fine could be doubled if workers are present.
  • Flashing lights from emergency response vehicles and other roadside workers will warn you of a problem ahead.
  • When approaching an emergency or a construction/maintenance situation, use caution and slow down.
  • Move over to the far lane whenever possible.
  • Always be aware that vehicles ahead of you may stop suddenly.
  • Obey directions by flag people or emergency workers.
  • Avoid watching the emergency and keep focused on driving.
  • Always leave plenty of space between your vehicle and other people and equipment parked or being operated at these locations.

Plan ahead

Visit 511 Alberta for up-to-date road information, including traffic delays and road construction.




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운영팀  |  2023-11-15 13:57         
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