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2025년 2월, Nespresso 캡슐 가격 인상된다네요.
작성자 MyKsim.com     게시물번호 18590 작성일 2025-01-08 05:25 조회수 1283

제가 이런 이멜을 받았는데 캡슐가격이 인상된다니 오르기전에 미리 사두세요 ~

1. 커피 원두 가격 상승으로 인해 Nespresso 캡슐 가격이 2025년 2월 5일부터 인상됩니다.

2. Vertuo 캡슐은 개당 $0.03~$0.15, Master Origins는 최대 $0.18 인상됩니다.

3. Subscription+ 프로그램을 통해 모든 주문에 10% 할인 혜택을 받을 수 있습니다.

4. 자세한 사항은 고객센터(1-855-325-5781) 또는 Nespresso 웹사이트를 통해 문의 가능합니다.


Dear customer,

As you may know, the price of green coffee, the raw beans used to make your coffee, has surged to record highs. Changes in temperature and rainfall patterns are affecting the suitability of regions to grow coffee and pose a significant threat to both coffee cultivation and the future of coffee farmers, putting many coffee-growing areas under pressure.

Our goal is to continue supporting and empowering coffee farmers worldwide through the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality Program as it is our priority to maintain the highest quality coffee, with the best aroma profile criteria. To fulfill this promise, we depend on a reliable long-term supply of high-quality beans to deliver the unforgettable taste Nespresso is known for.

Although we have chosen to absorb the majority of the price impact, an adjustment to our coffee capsule prices remains necessary and will take effect on February 5th, 2025.

The price of our Vertuo coffees will increase between $0,03 and $0,15 per capsule depending on formats and ranges; except Master Origins coffees in coffee format, that go up to $0,18 per capsule.

To minimize the impact of the price increase, you can enroll in our Nespresso Subscription+ program, which offers a 10% discount on all recurring coffee orders. For current Subscription+ members, the new prices will automatically apply starting February 5th. As of this date, you will notice the price difference in your next coffee order while continuing to benefit from the 10% discount.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at 1-855-325-5781 or use the Live Chat option at www.Nespresso.com and we’d be happy to answer them for you.

Thank you so much for being part of our valued members, we truly appreciate being your daily partner.

Nespresso Canada

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