정부가 매치하는 기부가 되려면...
To count toward the Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund, donations must be:
made by an individual Canadian;
개인기부여야 하고
made to a registered Canadian charitable organization that is receiving donations in response to the January 12 Haiti earthquake
아이티지진을 돕기위해 공식 카나다 자선단체에 기부되어야 되고
and, made between January 12 and February 12, 2010.
2월 12일까지 받아진 기부금에 한해서 라고 합니다.
The government will not match donations made by corporations, governments, businesses, partnerships, schools, incorporated or non-incorporated entities, or unions from their existing resources that were not raised from individuals specifically in response to the earthquake. However, amounts raised from fundraising events undertaken to raise money from individuals in response to the earthquake are eligible, and this fundraising may be undertaken by schools, faith-based organizations, clubs, social groups, businesses, incorporated entities, or charitable organizations.
공공기관에서 내는 기부금은 매치하지 않을것이지만, 지진을 위해 단체들이 fundraise해 모금한 돈은 매치해 준다고 합니다. 즉 학교, 교회, 사회모임등에서 지진을 위해서 모금한돈은 매치해 준다고 합니다. 최대 50 million까지 매치한다는데, 얼마나 될까 궁금해집니다. -토마올림