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10월 9일 연휴주말 가을오후... 외롭고 쓸쓸하신가요? 신나는 댄스뮤직 한곡으로..
작성자 락팬    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 3170 작성일 2010-10-09 15:52 조회수 1410
Remember Love by Noze 가사를 살펴보니까 외로운 분들에게 적격일듯 하네요.. 가사 I walked into a bar and ordered a beer i had to be so drunk to kill my sorrow what i want to say to my girl i am not so bad but she thinks i'm a cheater i let her think so i am so desperate it is a dark night she's important to me she is my flip side evrybody's happy to believe in love evrybody want to have a hot flip side evrybody's happy to believe in love evrybody want to have a hot flip side i remember that day when we were biking she had a little skirt we were so horny what a crazy trip together we saw a zebra and she said i'm not a pet i want to be free let's go back to the sheeps it's time for a break we stopped in a "clairiere" to make the love dance evrybody's happy to believe in love evrybody want to have a hot flip side evrybody's happy to believe in love evrybody want to have a hot flip side i had a lot of beer to forget these days the barmaid asked me why i look like a shit i don't know i am still in love but i can't stand her then i looked to the barmaid it's a unique girl i think the bar will close i see the daylight she'll be my overnight you know my flip side evrybody's happy to believe in love evrybody want to have a hot flip side evrybody's happy to believe in love evrybody want to have a hot flip side

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다음글 네일아트 하실분 보세요~~.
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