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제 30회 캐러비안 대축제가 11일까지 캘거리 시내에서 열립니다. (날짜 오류수정했습니다)
작성자 운영팀.    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 4152 작성일 2011-06-10 08:58 조회수 1738
Carifest Parade
6월 11일(토) 11am at Olympic Plaza(시청앞)

Sunshine Festival (메인 이벤트)
6월 11일(토) 11am
장소 :SHAW Millennium Park (11St & 9Ave SW)
입장료 무료

(시간 관계상 따로 한글로 정리는 못했습니다. 양해 바랍니다.)
The Carifest Parade is a street parade that depicts that splendor and revelry for Caribbean masquerade (mas). Various Mas Bands have an opportunity to display their costumes while engaging Calgary’s community to experience a taste of what “Playing Mas” is all about. The parade begins at Olympic Plaza, travels along Stephen Avenue and climaxes at Shaw Millennium Park where the Mas Bands cross the main stage.
Date: Saturday, 11th June, 2011
Time: 11:00AM
Venue: Starts at Olympic Plaza, corner of Macleod Trail and 8th Avenue SE
Travels along Stephen Avenue, 8th Street SE/SW
Ends at Shaw Millennium Park, 1220 9th Avenue SW
Price: Free

The Sunshine Fest is the outdoor park event that is the climax to the Carifest festivities. The event features a mainstage where various artists engage the audience with their musical magic. Patrons can relax in the sun and get a bite to eat at the various Caribbean inspired food services located around the park. The event also features an arts and crafts market area where attendees will be enlightened as to the various product offerings that are available locally. There is also a youth area that provides entertainment for children of all ages. This is truly a fun-filled family event for all to enjoy.
Date: Saturday, 11th June, 2011
Time: 11:00AM
Venue: Shaw Millennium Park, 1220 9th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB
Price: Free!
Are you interested in performing? Then check out the participant information here. If you are looking to sell food or arts & crafts etc., then check out the vendor information here.
We welcome interested volunteers to assist with staffing the day. Fill out the volunteer form. and you’ll be contacted shortly.

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골뱅이  |  2011-06-10 13:53    지역 Calgary     
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이거 날짜가 잘못된것같은데;;;

골뱅이  |  2011-06-10 13:53    지역 Calgary     
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10일이 금요일이고 11일이 토요일 아닌가욤;;

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