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Momentum's Full Time 6 month EI/AHS funded Self Employment Program starts 12 March 2012!
작성자 말탄건달     게시물번호 5139 작성일 2012-01-26 16:41 조회수 1536

Frank Wolever fwolever@momentum.org
19:00 (7분 전)

Alvin, Bekki, Charlene, Charuwan, Christine, Greg, Hector, Joanne, Jolene, Kailie, Nora, Roselyn, Saira, Tracy, Annette, Denisa, Denisa, Jami, Jill, Juan, Juan, Leah, Sabrina, Sonika, Steven, Thomas에게

Hello all, we are currently recruiting for our next SE Group, starting March 12th. If you think anyone you know may be interested, please have them contact me directly.Program information is below, feel free to pass this along to anyone. They can always ask you what it is like!Thanks!Frank Momentum's Full Time 6 month EI/AHS Funded Self Employment Program starts 12th March 2012! Hello, I am the Program Facilitator for the 6 month (26 week) full time Self Employment Program here at Momentum (www.momentum.org). We are accepting applications and scheduling interviews now for the Spring program, which starts March 12th  2012. We expect to have 12 - 14 spots filled by mid February.  March 12th is not that far away!  Our previous fall program (our 28th group) was oversubscribed and we launched 14 new businesses in December. This is a Federal E.I. and Government of Alberta funded program, intended to help unemployed Albertans become self employed. There is no cost to participants, and they may also be legible for Alberta Learner Benefits. The next Exploring Entrepreneurship workshops are scheduled for January 31st (1:30 – 4:00 p.m.) and February 8th (6:00 – 8:30 p.m.).  More will be scheduled all through February. Elizabeth Lau (Elizabethl@momentum.org)  403 204 2671 can be contacted to register possible participants. If we can be of service to you please call or write. If the SE program is not quite suitable, we offer other part time business startup programs. Our Self Employment Program (as well as other SE programs offered at Momentum such as the Women’s Ventures and ABCs of Small Business) can be found on pages 4-6 of the following document link:http://www.employment.alberta.ca/documents/RRM/RRM-CG-etcs-selfemployment.pdf We appreciate the interest in our programs. Frank Wolever   |   Business Development - Self Employment Program Facilitator Momentum   |   16-2936 Radcliffe Dr SE, Calgary AB T2A 6M8   |   403.204.2669 (direct)   |   403.235.4646 (fax)   |   www.momentum.org           Momentum is a Community Economic Development organization. Our mission is to partner with people living on low incomes in order to increase prosperity, and inspire the development of local economies with opportunities for all. Our vision is that every person in Calgary can have a sustainable livelihood and contribute to their community.  This information may contain personal, confidential and/or privileged information. If you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender and delete it. Momentum thanks you for your cooperation.


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