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Take your oil & gas career search to the next level
작성자 Mon     게시물번호 5264 작성일 2012-02-28 12:19 조회수 1734

Take your oil & gas career search to the next level

Registration is now open to attend Global Energy Career Expo, taking place June 13-14 at Calgary TELUS Convention Centre.

By registering FREE online, you can gain access to the world's leading energy companies! These corporations are collectively hiring for thousands of positions, making Global Energy Career Expo your best opportunity for career advancement this year.

Here are just a few industry leaders who will be recruiting talent at Global Energy Career Expo 2012:

  • ABB Canada
  • Canadian Natural Resources Ltd.
  • Cenovus Energy Inc.
  • Cimarron Engineering Ltd.
  • Devon Canada
  • Enerplus
  • Ensign Energy Services
  • Finning Canada
  • Focus Corporation
  • Halliburton
  • Hire Ground
  • Husky Energy
  • MEG Energy
  • Nexen Inc.
  • PennWest Exploration
  • Spartan Controls Ltd.
  • Suncor Energy
  • Taqa North
  • Telvent
  • WorldWideWorker
  • WorleyParsons

Held alongside Global Petroleum Show, Global Energy Career Expo is your chance to meet face to face with the industry’s top recruiters - register now!

Get hired now


If you are looking for immediate employment opportunities, oilcareers.com offers a free database of listings from energy companies across the world. Create a profile now to connect with lead recruiters in the oil and gas industry!

Interested in Career Expos across Canada and internationally?

Are you an industry employer looking to take your search further? Stay tuned for news about a new series of Global Energy Career Expos in major cities across Canada and the United States beginning fall 2012. Please email Joel Smith, or contact him by phone at
403-209-3552, for additional information.




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