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ISC: The 2014 Great Kids Award 정보
작성자 ISC     게시물번호 6729 작성일 2013-10-17 15:52 조회수 3362


The 2014 Great Kids Award

Nominations for the 2014 Great Kids Award have opened!  

Nominate a Great Kid!

Nominate a special young person whose generosity, leadership, courage, and compassion made a positive impact.

Every year, young leaders make outstanding contributions – at home, at school, and in their communities.  
Why not thank them for their great achievements and share their stories to inspire other Albertans to reach their full potential and build a better Alberta?

The Alberta government will honour all nominees and 16 great kids at an awards ceremony at the Fantasyland Hotel in Edmonton in April 2014. All winners will receive a trophy and a prize package from Fantasyland and IBM.  Investing in youth is one way the Alberta government is investing in families and communities to build a better Alberta.

How to Nominate a Great Kid

Go to the website below, print off thenomination form; fill it out; and fax, mail or email it to: 

Alberta Human Services
Community Partnerships Branch
10th Floor, Sterling Place 
9940 106 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2N2
Fax: 780-644-2671

All nominations must be received byDecember 9, 2013 at 4:00 p.m.

For more information, please visitwww.greatkids.alberta.ca, call 780-415-8150 (for toll-free access, dial 310-000) or email HS.greatkids@gov.ab.ca.

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