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오늘 밤 aurora 구경
작성자 와치독     게시물번호 8145 작성일 2015-06-24 15:39 조회수 2686

The northern and southern lights, Mother Nature's kaleidoscopic treat, will make a repeat performance on Wednesday.

A solar storm will slam into the Earth on Wednesday at about 7 p.m. ET (2300 GMT) due to a solar flare earlier in the week, with the potential to disrupt power and satellite service, according to the U.S. Space Weather Prediction Center.

According to Service Aurora, which predicts the northern lights, the aurora will peak between 8 p.m. and 2 a.m. ET.

The solar storm will be the second to hit the Earth this week. On Monday, a severe geomagnetic storm sparked an intense aurora, the natural electric phenomenon that creates bright and colourful light displays in the skies, that was visible much further from the poles than usual.

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In northern latitudes, the northern lights are usually only visible in Canada, Alaska and northern Europe, but were seen as far south as Washington, D.C., on Monday, according to local reports.

In the Southern Hemisphere, reports from Australia said the southern lights, usually only visible in Tasmania, were visible across much of the country.

On Wednesday, the Space Weather Prediction Center said the northern lights should be visible across most of Canada and in the U.S. northern tier states of North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan and northern Maine.

Viewing tips

You'll probably be able to see them only if the weather is clear in your area, as clouds can block your view.

If possible, go somewhere with dark skies, away from city lights, with a wide, clear view of the sky.

You'll have darker skies later in the evening, as the moon is expected to set between 12:30 a.m. and 1:30 a.m. in most of Canada. However, auroral activity may be waning at that point.

The storms that began on Monday reached the "severe" G4 level on the Space Weather Prediction Center's geomagnetic storm scale.

The centre measures geomagnetic storms on a five-level scale, with G1 a minor storm and G5 an extreme storm.

A G4 storm can cause possible voltage control problems for some power systems and degrade satellite navigation and radio service, the centre said.

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와치독  |  2015-06-24 15:44         
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MST 기준으로 저녁 6시부터 밤 12시 사이에 aurora 가 가장 잘 보일 거라는 예보입니다.
캘거리 sunset이 9:55pm 이니까 뭐 11시나 돼야 어두워지지 않을까 하네요.

카메라로 찍고 싶은 분들은 꼭 tripod 갖고 오시길...
전화기로는 잘 안 나올 겁니다.

오늘도 Nose Hill 바글바글한 거 아닌가 모르겠네요.
전 Edworthy park로 가 보렵니다. 따뜻한 차 좀 끓여서... :)

말탄건달  |  2015-06-25 14:28         
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이른아침 부터 좋은 정보 감사드립니다. 제가 사는곳이 서쪽으로 시 경계라서 한번 나가 보려고 합니다. 10여분만 운전하면 라이트 폴루션 에서 좀 벗어나지 않을까 싶네요...

말탄건달  |  2015-06-25 14:33         
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그런데...오로라 뱁을 찾아보니 에드몬튼 까지도 안내려 오네요...어떤게 맞을라나요? 전에도 가족 전부 끌고 나갔다가 좀 뻘쭘했는데...

patrasche  |  2015-06-25 16:50         
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이거 오늘(25)에 볼수있다는 건가요? 아니면 어제 볼수있었다는 건가요? 글 읽어보니 어제인듯 한데..

Edmonman  |  2015-06-25 18:37         
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여길 참조하세요

맑은 하늘에 구름없고 별이 떠있어야 하고 달이 작아야합니다 주로 가을이나 겨울에 쉽게 볼수있어요

가끔 에드먼튼까지 띠가 내려올때 주택가에서도 볼수있습니다


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