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이민국 홈피에 발표된 Express Entry 개정 정보 공유
작성자 행복     게시물번호 9587 작성일 2016-11-14 12:32 조회수 1802

캐나다 가제트에 법안 변경안 공지후 이민국 홈피에   Express Entry 개정안이 보통사람들이 이해하기 쉬운 언어로  오늘 발표되었습니다.  정보 공유합니다.

Express Entry improvements: Fall 2017

Targeted improvements to the Express Entry system are being made on November 19, 2016. Supporting Canada’s Global Skills Strategy, the changes will help better attract some of the best minds in the world, including former international students, experienced professionals and talented workers who will strengthen Canada’s competitiveness in the global marketplace.

Immigrants with skills and experience are able to quickly contribute to the Canadian economy and society, helping create jobs, spur innovation and strengthen diversity in our communities.

Express Entry remains unchanged until the improvements below are implemented on November 19, 2016.

Before November 19, 2016

Job offers

The Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) awards 600 points for a job that is permanent and is supported by a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).


The Express Entry system only awards points for education overall as long as it has been assessed as equivalent to a Canadian standard.

No additional benefit is awarded specifically to former international students who have received an education in Canada.


After receiving an invitation to apply, candidates have 60 days to submit a complete application for permanent residence. This includes all documentation such as police certificates and medical exams.

After November 19, 2016

Job offers

On November 19, 2016, the points awarded by the CRS for a job offer will change in three ways:

Points will be awarded for job offers of eligible candidates here on LMIA exempt work permits.

Many people in Canada temporarily on an employer specific LMIA-exempt work permit, but who want to stay in Canada permanently, will no longer need to get an LMIA to be awarded job offer points by the CRS. This includes candidates who are here under the North America Free Trade Agreement, a federal-provincial agreement, Mobilité Francophone, or who are intra-company transferees. The candidates must meet certain criteria, such as at least one year of work experience from the same employer who is providing their job offer.

Job offers will only need to be a minimum of one year in duration once they receive permanent residence.

By changing the job offer requirement from permanent to one year means that more highly skilled candidates working in contract-based industries will have a higher likelihood of receiving an invitation to apply for permanent residence.

Points awarded for job offers will be reduced.

A total of 50 points will be awarded to candidates with a valid job offer in a National Occupational Classification (NOC) 0, A or B occupation, while a total of 200 points will be awarded to candidates with a valid job offer in a NOC 00 occupation.

The number of points awarded for a job offer, often made it hard for highly skilled candidates without job offers to get an invitation to apply. This change means Canada will now welcome more highly skilled candidates whose skills and experience will help support and grow our economy.

The change in points for job offers will now also better recognize the skills and experience required for the job, together with the value that it brings to the economy.


On November 19, 2016, points will be awarded by the CRS for education obtained in Canada in the following way:

Points will be awarded for study in Canada above high school.

The CRS will award 15 points for a one- or two-year diploma or certificate and 30 points for a degree, diploma or certificate of three years or longer including a Master’s, professional or doctoral degree.

With these changes, more former international students will be able to transition to permanent residence using the Express Entry system. Former international students are a key source of candidates in Express Entry because of their age, education, skills and experience. In addition to the time already spent in Canada, integrating into Canadian society permanently will be easier because they will have established social networks and familiarized themselves with life in Canada.


On November 19, 2016, applications will be treated in the following way:

Candidates will have 90 days to complete an application for permanent residence if they get an invitation to apply. This will give candidates more time to gather all the required documentation and submit a complete application.

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