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TV뉴스 정말 보기 싫다!!
작성자 한국인     게시물번호 -666 작성일 2004-07-24 08:24 조회수 1883

어제 저녁 TV 뉴스를 보고 실망했습니다. 지난번 미국으로 밀입국 하려던 한국인들에게 추방명령이 내려졌습니다. 당연한 결과이겠지만 수갑이 채워진채 얼굴을 가리는 그들의 모습과 발목에까지 쇠사슬을 채우는 캐나다 이민 관리자들의 태도에 분노하고 말았습니다. 

Cda. deports 12 women trying to sneak into U.S.

CTV.ca News Staff

Immigration Canada has ordered the deportation of 12 women after they were arrested while trying to sneak into the United States from Alberta this week.

The 12 foreign nationals -- 11 South Koreans and one Chinese woman-- were brought into an immigration hearing wearing wrist and leg shackles. They listened through an interpreter as immigration board member Paul Kyba ordered them out of the country.

"They were found to be in violation for misrepresentation," said Rob Feguson, Director of Immigration Canada.

"Exclusion orders have been issued. That would prohibit them from seeking readmission to Canada for a period of two years. They are detained pending their removal."

On Tuesday, the RCMP -- acting on a tip -- arrested 16 people trying to cross illegally into the U.S. at the Chief Mountain border crossing near Waterton Lakes National Park. They were all wet, cold and overwhelmed with bug bites. RCMP officers said they didn't seem too upset about being caught.

The investigation revealed that the women told Vancouver immigration officials they were visiting Canada as tourists, but Kyba says the facts indicate the true purpose for the trip was to sneak into the U.S.

None of the women contested the facts. They are to be sent back to their countries of citizenship as soon as possible. They are being held at the Calgary Remand Centre, pending their deportation.

Three men also arrested in the border-crossing attempt will learn their fate early next week.

A Canadian arrested with the group was released without charge.

There was no word on whether charges of smuggling will be laid.

With a report from CFCN's Bill McFarlane

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